Download Autobiography of John Macoun, M.A. : Canadian explorer and naturalist, assistant director and naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada, 1831-1920 book
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Author: John Macoun, Ottawa Field-Naturalists.
Total size: 2.38 MB
ІSВN: 1990001100863
Date: 8.09.2012

The principal content of the site is a searchable, free access, annotated bibliography of diaries printed in English.
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Autobiography of John Macoun, M.A. : Canadian explorer and naturalist, assistant director and naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada, 1831-1920
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Autobiography of John Macoun, M.A. : Canadian explorer and naturalist, assistant director and naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada, 1831-1920
Ongoing project sponsored by ten natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions.
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